Generating CEU Credits

The Generate CEU Credits tool in the CEU Module adds CEU Credits to customers based on their having a product purchase or event/session registration associated with CEU Credits through Product Credit and Event Credit setup, respectively.

To generate CEU Credits, complete the following steps:

  1. Expand the Module Menu and click the CEU hyperlink to open the CEU Overview page.
  2. Click the Generate CEU Credits hyperlink.This opens the Add - CEU Credit Generation pop-up window.
  3. Complete the following fields as needed:
  4. Field Name Required? Description
    task type Yes This field is read-only and auto-populates with the type of task being scheduled. In this case, CEU Credit Generation is populated in this field.
    run task datetime Yes Click the run task datetime field to display the date / time picker. Choose the date and time you wish this task to run. Click the Now hyperlink to immediately put this task in the queue and have it run as soon as possible.
    execute after task No It is possible to string scheduled tasks together in netFORUM. Expand the execute after task drop-down menu and select the scheduled task you would like the CEU Credit Generation task to run after.
    notify template No Expand the notify template drop-down menu and select the communication template that will be used to inform the designated user of the status of the CEU Credit Generation task.
    notify e-mail No Enter the email address of the desired recipient of the notification emails regarding this scheduled task.
    notify conditions No Click the check box(es) next to the updates you wish to be sent via email regarding the CEU Credit Generation task's progress.

  5. Click the Save button.Your task has been scheduled and a CEU Scheduled Task Profile has been created for this process.

CEU System Options

The following system options determine how the Generate CEU Credits tool awards CEU credit when you run the Generate CEU Credits process: